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Smurf House

Smurf House

15 May 2020
Istanbul, Turkey

In a residential design, we start by discovering the user's architectural taste. Their profession, their daily routines and hobbies are the issues that direct design first hand. A library and study room, a comfortable seating area and a terrace where they can host their frequent guests were designed on the upper floor of the Sirin House. A kitchen with a cellar was designed in order not to go downstairs while working and resting. There is also a guest room with a bathroom on the same floor.

We also hid a laundry rack behind the upstairs toilet for guests to use. The kitchen design on the lower floor is based on elegance that comes from the contrast of white and black and is supported by accessories. In addition to the dressing room in the bedroom, a dressing room was designed.

The designs are completely shaped according to the user. The cabinets were designed by considering the most efficient use of the space. In the bathrooms on the lower floor, cabinets were designed and accessories were selected considering the taste of the user. Knowing that the comfort of a place depends on the level of meeting the need, we delivered another project that we started off.